RMT.0731 New air mobility NPA 2021-15 affecting Part-66 and Part-147

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Dear all,

under the heading “Continuing airworthiness (CAW) rules for electric and hybrid propulsion aircraft and other non-conventional aircraft”  EASA issued an NPA on Dec. 21st 2021. To our surprise this NPA contains also significant changes to Part-66 and Part-147. New license categories, new basic training modules and a new approved course for B1E with 2600 hours, just to name a few. These changes are not at all in line with RMT.0255 and NPA 2020-12 Review of Part-66 we worked on. NPA 2021-15 was developed by EASA internally without a working group involved.

Naturally, we are going to comment on this NPA to voice the disapproval to some of the proposed changes. Luckily the deadline to comment has been extended to April 4th.

So I would like to invite you to send me your comments for a consolidated reply to EASA. Of course you can also comment directly to EASA per CRD.

Here the link for the NPA download https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/notices-of-proposed-amendment/npa-2021-15

Best regards,

Harald – EC Secretary

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