Dear members, invitees, guests and friends of EAMTC.
We hope you are all good and doing fine.
It is with regrets that we have to announce the cancellation of the 72nd GA in Bodø, Norway scheduled for April 21st/22nd 2020.
As Executive Committee, we feel responsible for our participants as well as for the host organisation.
Due to the spread of the Corona virus a.k.a. Covid 19 several measures have already been implemented throughout Europe as well as the rest of the world.
We cannot predict if and how the existing, as well as possible future measures taken by health authorities, airlines or our own employers will impact our General Assembly, but there are already feedbacks and indications which support this decision.
Especially, after having met with the hosts in Bodø, as well as seeing conference facilities in February, we were looking very much forward to this event.
However, after our risk assessment we had to decide against it.
With more than half a year to go, we have no intentions to make any changes to date and venue of the GA scheduled for October 6th in Limerick, Ireland. We hope by then the situation has normalized and we can go back to our normal business.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and looking forward to meeting you during healthier times in Ireland at the next GA.
With best regards your Executive Committee,
Hans Mayer, Harald Strehling, Søren Rasmussen
Extra news:
We were also just about to announce this year’s instructor seminar, scheduled for June at Aero Bildung’s trainings facility in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, Germany. In this case we are looking into a possible postponement to late fall of this year.