Please comment on ToR for RMT.0713 Human Factors in Rotorcraft design

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EASA has published the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Rule Making Task (RMT).0713 Human Factors in Rotorcraft design ToR RMT.0713 Issue 1 Interested members please read and send your comments per E-mail as soon as possible to Luigi Baldini our representative in the EASA DM.TEC Working Group

Don’t forget to register for the 69th GA in Tampere, Finland

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Dear all, with the vacation season coming to an end, don’t forget to register for our next General Assembly in Tampere. The registration form and hotel information can be found on our Meeting/Events page. Hotel booking Please note! The reduced room rate/night of EUR 130 for single and EUR 150 for double/twin room in the … Continued

NEW EASA REGULATION (EU) 2018 / 1142 published

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Dear all! Commission regulation (EU) 2018 / 1142 has been published in the Official Journal on August 16th 2018. It is amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 by introducing additional categories of Aircraft Maintenance Licenses, modifying acceptance procedures of components from external suppliers and, most important for us, changing the maintenance training organisation’s privileges. Here the … Continued

Booking for the 69th EAMTC GA in Tampere now open!

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You can now book your hotel and register for the meeting. Hotel information and booking form / link are now available here. Below the Information from our hosts you can register for the conference. The meeting agenda will be provided later on the same webpage. The hosts and your executive committee are looking forward to … Continued

Members should comment on PIA before July 9th to the president!

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Please read the Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA) supporting EPAS 2019-2023 in the members area under “read more”. Please send your comments to the president before July 9th for a consolidated  EAMTC comment on the PIA

EAMTC Instructor Seminar will be held in 2019

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During the last meeting EC decided that an instructor seminar shall be held in 2019. Members who would like to host the seminar, give a presentation or hold a workshop relevant and beneficial to the attending instructors please contact the EC secretary.  

EAMTC Executive Committee meets with EASA

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On June 13th 2018, President, Secretary and Treasurer met with EASA representatives at EASA HQ in Cologne to strengthen cooperation between EASA and EAMTC. Details of the meeting can be found in the members area under EC Meetings  –  MoM EC 180614.

The new Charter (AoA) is now officially notarized!

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Our new Charter has been duly approved and notarized as of April 16th 2018. The official dutch version is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam. The english copy can be found on the public section of our website under “About us”. Anybody who wants to get a copy of the “Original Dutch version” … Continued

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