68th GA in Amsterdam strengthens EAMTC for the future

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At the 68th General Assembly in Amsterdam, Haarlem, our foundation made important steps for further growth and stability. 160 participants enjoyed 2 informative days in the Netherlands. AFI-KLM and ROCvA organized the meeting, a splendid social event and an afternoon tradefair showing the latest in teaching technologies at the ROCvA facility. The General Assembly voted … Continued

68th General Assembly Meeting – “Meeting registration closed”

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Dear all! We are happy to announce that we have 160 participants at our 68th GA meeting. This is the maximum capacity of the meeting room. Therefore, we have to close the registration now. The list of participants can be found in the members area. We are looking forward to seeing you on April 10th … Continued

Invitation to the General Membership Meeting – Items for voting in Amsterdam

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Dear all, please note that we have 2 votings to do at our GA in Amsterdam. Please see the details in the members area. As a consequence of the legal requirements for the vote we had to make adjustments to the agenda. Agenda_68th EAMTC-GA-R3 More than 120 participants have registered already. Don’t miss it. Registration … Continued

Registration for the 68th GA meeting / Meeting Agenda

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Our new registration system on our website is working, more than 50 participants registered successfully! Registration is still open till March 31st. Please register now and book your hotel to avoid disappointment later. The Agenda for the meeting can be seen here: Agenda_68th_GA_Ams  

Booking for the 68th EAMTC GA in Amsterdam now open!

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Dear All, you can now book your hotel and register for the meeting. Hotel information and booking form / link are now available in the meeting area on this website. Just click on “Spring Meeting”. Below the Information from our hosts you can use the link from our admin to register for the conference. The … Continued

New Membership

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Another organisation joined EAMTC. Please welcome our new member NAYAK Maintenance Training. Home

New website – EAMTC’s VAT number – Spring meeting in Amsterdam

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New EAMTC website It’s online now! Our new website (still a beta version) has new apperance and new features. All members should have their new login details by now. If not (please also check your spam folders) contact our Administrator. You can now update your company details as required and add your training capabilities in … Continued

Season’s Greetings and best wishes for the New Year

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Dear all, another year is coming to an end and for us at EAMTC it was quite a turbulent one. As your Executive Committee we would like to thank you for your trust and support throughout these challenging months. For the festive season, we would like to wish all of you and your families: “Happy … Continued

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