The Easy Access Rules for Continuing Airworthiness (Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014) revision from June 2020 incorporates amendments from a number of Commission Implementing Regulations and ED decisions. Below a summary of the updates and changes.
Amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383, introducing in particular Part-ML (Annex Vb), Part-CAMO (Annex Vc) Part-CAO (Annex Vd) |
Related ED Decision 2020/002/R
amending AMC/GM to Part-M, Part-145, Part-66, Part-147, Part-T and the cover regulation and introducing AMC/GM to Part-ML, Part-CAMO and Part-CAO. Amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1384 This document consolidates the current applicable implementing rules (IRs) together with the acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) in an easy-to-read format. It covers all the Annexes of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and offers advanced navigation features through links and bookmarks. Thank you for sending us your feedback and comments to