Spring 2022 – 76th General Assembly “Virtual event” May 10th & 11th
About the event
Due to lack of a host and the uncertain travel conditions due to the pandemic, the EC decided to host 76th GA as live on-line event. On both days Webex will be used to allow live presentations and interactions as well as active audience participation.
All participants need to register to receive meeting ID and password.
You can register here: Registration
When you join the Webex, your microphone will remain muted during the entire event. Please ensure that your microphone remains muted. However, you can use the „raise hand“ icon on the controls if you need to talk to the audience. Please also disable your video. In case of connection problems, you can join this Webex by dialling-in and using one of the numbers shown in the invitation mail. In addition, you can also download the Webex APP on your mobile phone and follow the event on your mobile phone.
The start of the GA meeting is at 12:00 CET (Frankfurt Time) or 10:00 UTC. You can log in 30 minutes before the event. To familiarize yourself with the webex tool meeting functions
With your participation, you agree that the chat messages as well as the poll results will be recorded and will be uploaded on the EAMTC website in the members area. The meeting itself will not be recorded.
End date: 11 May 2022
Organizer: Executive Committee
Location: Virtual
Website by Webroots