Our first “Virtual” GA a great success!

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Due to Corona travel restrictions the 73rd General Assembly was held as a “virtual” meeting.

Prepared as an interactive on-line event, we had excellent and very disciplined participation in our 2 workshops, the on-line polls, as well as active replies on the chat. With a total of 102 logins during the 2 days there was an average of 90+ members and guests participating actively throughout.

The Executive committee would also like to thank the members of the Supervisoryboard for preparing and participating in the numerous practice runs leading up to the event. We all went through a new learning experience which paid off in the end by having no major problems in running the meeting.

All presentations are on-line in the members area, all participants should have received their certificates.

Your feedback, comments and suggestions, a few forms are still coming in on a daily basis, are being consolidated and will also be posted with the meeting documents. The comments we received so far were very encouraging and motivating. Hoping to have “real” meetings soon, we will keep the “virtual” way open as an option.

A big hand to all of you who made our first virtual GA a great experience.

Thank you, stay safe, stay healthy

Your Executive Committee,

Hans, Soren and Harald

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