Questions to EASA for the upcoming GA

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  Dear Members, during the next GA in Luxembourg we are going to have a question / answer session with our EASA representative Bram van Driel. In order for Bram to have the correct answers ready, we need to forward your questions beforehand. Please send any questions you have to our president at <> before … Continued

Do not forget to register for the 70th GA in Luxembourg

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  Dear members and guests, avoid dissapointment and register now for our next GA in Luxembourg – April 2nd / 3rd. We can accomodate a maximum of 170 participants in the meeting room. As of today, we have only 88 seats remaining and less than 2 months to go. Registration and hotel information can be … Continued

EASA’s new Basic Regulation e-learning course

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We are pleased to announce that following the New Basic Regulation Workshop which was held on 1 October 2018, EASA has designed free of charge e-learning course for authorities, industry and other interested stakeholders. For more information and to access the e-learning course please visit our website: Kind regards, European Aviation Safety Agency

NPA 2018-13 Appendix I to AMC to Annex III (Part-66) can be commented

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Dear all, NPA 2018-13 Appendix I to AMC to Annex III (Part-66) Aircraft type ratings for Part-66 aircraft maintenance licences RMT.0541 (66.024) has been published and can be commented until 5 March 2019. NPA 2018-13 Please review and send your comments to our president  <>  before March 1st 2019 for a consolidated EAMTC feedback. Additionally … Continued

Seasons Greetings to our members and friends

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We would like to wish all our members, friends and their families a wonderful festive season and a healthy and prosperous New Year. Thanks to all of you for your continued support of our foundation. With warm regards, Hans Mayer – President Harald Strehling – Secretary Sören Rasmussen – Treasurer Ricardo Tetteroo – Administrator

EAMTC Participation in High Level Conference on Drones in Amsterdam

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Drone experts from all over the world were gathering in Amsterdam on 27-28 November for this year’s EASA High Level Conference on Drones. EAMTC was represented by Martti Jussila, a drone expert from TREDU College in Tampere, nominated by the president and accepted by EASA. As a result of the Meeting the Drones Amsterdam Declaration … Continued

Contacts for the Supervisory Board

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The contact details for the Supervisory Board (SB)  members can now be found in the members area. The general outline of the duties and responsibilities of the SB, based on the by-law to our charter, can be found under “About us” in the public section of this website.

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