Send us the questions you want ask EASA about NPA 2023-10 Part-147 and Part-66 – Reg. 2023/989 transition

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Dear all,

on the agenda for the 80th GA in Munich we have EASA presenting on 2 topics:

#7 2023-10 Part-147 – CRT Status – Silviu Strimbeanu, Airworthiness Expert – EASA 

#8  CAW – Status and ongoing (including Part-66 – Reg. 2023/989 transition)  – Elena Kraykova, Airworthiness Expert – EASA 

following each presentation we have a scheduled a Q&A session.

Please send me the questions you would like to ask in advance per e-mail so I can sort and consolidate, before presenting them at the GA.

I am looking forward to your questions, but please no later than April 18th.

Best regards,

Harald – EC Secretary

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