Dear All,
As you may already be aware the European Commision (DG-MOVE) has launched an online survey for the study supporting the evaluation of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) performance in relation to its objectives, mandate and tasks as set out in Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. The study aims at supporting the Commission with an independent, evidence-based evaluation of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, EASA and its working practices in establishing a high level of civil aviation safety. It is being conducted by Ramboll Management Consulting and the University of Antwerp. Please find attached the support letter from the Commission for this study.
During the last SAB Plenary meeting a dedicated workshop took place where the members of the SAB had the opportunity to give their views to the consultants. It was apparent that there had been some problems with the distribution of the online survey and the deadline for completion was extended to Tuesday 29th November.
You are invited to complete the survey by clicking on the following link:
The link above will ask for your name and email, which will then send you a personalised link to the survey. Please note that your responses will be treated anonymously and your personal data handled in line with GDPR, as set out in the introduction to the survey. You will also be able to return to the survey via the link received in your email should you need to as your responses will be saved automatically.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this online survey – your input is very important for the study.