Supervisory Board elections for GA

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Dear members,

as announced previously, according to our charter our supervisory board members serve a 2 year term and are due for election. As the SB members are elected from our stakeholder groups, the EC decided to hold elections per e-mail. The registered voting members will receive an e-mail from the secretary with instructions and a ballot form to cast their votes. All votes need to be sent to our well experienced returning officer Romain Wagner from Luxair before June 13th. Romain will announce the election results on the second day of the GA.

The voting member, casting the vote, has to declare on the form which one of the four stakeholder groups (OAM/OEM, MRO/Airline, Basic training, Type training) is applicable to his organization. This declaration will be recorded for future elections.

Out of the existing Supervisory board members Marc Arendt for MRO/Airline and Edwin de Vries for Basic training are offering to stand for another term.

Carlos Unger for OAM/OEM and Gary Merten for Type training have recently changed employment and now do not qualify to represent their groups.

We do invite interested members who’s organizations qualify to represent OAM/OEM or Type training to make themselves known to the EC secretary before June 8th to include their names as candidates on the ballot form. Alternatively, there will be the opportunity to suggest additional names on the ballot form.

The requirements to qualify and the tasks of the Supervisory board are stipulated in the By-law to our Charter

EAMTC Supervisory Board 171107

We are looking forward to your active or passive participation in these important elections

If you have questions or comments please do let us know.

For the Executive Committee,

Harald – EC secretary

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