Have you registered and booked your hotel in Toulouse yet?

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  Dear all, as mentioned previously, to avoid disappointment about availability of rooms and higher room rates later on, please book you hotel in Toulouse before August 29th. Hotel reservation forms and the link to register for the event are ready for you at out meeting/event page on our website. Our host Airbus is working … Continued

22nd European Airline Training Symposium (EATS)

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Wednesday 6th – Thursday 7th November, 2024 at the Estoril Congress Centre, Cascais, Portugal. EATS brings together the wider training industry to promote safety and best practice in pilot, cabin crew and maintenance training. The overall theme of EATS 2024 is: Leading & Accelerating Training Improvement For more information about EATS 2024, please visit www.eats-event.com

Registration for the 81st GA in Toulouse starts on June 20th

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Dear all, since we have the deadline of August 29th for the hotel bookings in Toulouse, we decided to start the registration also well in advance to allow booking of the hotel and registration for the GA at the same time. The booking forms for the hotels and the registration link are available on our … Continued

You can book your hotel for the 81st GA in Toulouse now!

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Dear all, our GA host Airbus arranged a number of rooms at a special rate at the Mercure and Novotel hotels adjacent to the conference room in downtown Toulouse. Please note that room contingent and price as listed are only offered until August 29th. Avoid disappointment later and book now.   For each hotel further … Continued

81st General Assembly Oct. 29th / 30th hosted by Airbus in Toulouse

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Dear all, as announced at our last Ga in Munich, Airbus will be the host of the 81st GA in Toulouse. You will find a relevant details (Hotel and registration link) , as soon as they are available on our event page. You get the information also in our NEWS. Best regards, Harald – EC … Continued

Business opportunity – OJT training sought.

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Dear all, I received a request from the Polish Medical Air Rescue https://www.lpr.com.pl/en/  They are looking for OJT training for their apprentices. Their medical fleet includes 27 EC135 P2+/P3 helicopters, 2 Learjet 75 aircraft, 2 Piaggio P180 aircraft and 2 R44 helicopters and 3 Tecnam P2008JC aircraft. If you are interested and approved to provide … Continued

80th GA in Munich much appreciated by the participants

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  Dear all, the 80th GA in Munich received a lot of positive feedback from the participants. Thanks to the effort made by the host to let us experience a truly “Bavarian” evening, interesting presentations about a variety of new aviation technology developments, including AI as well as the active participation from EASA made this … Continued

Have you registered for the 80th GA in Munich yet?

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  Dear members and invitees, please do not forget to register for the next GA. Due to the logistic requirements for setup and catering, our host has requested that the last day to register shall be this coming Friday, April 12th. Please make sure that your registration is done by Friday to avoid disappointment. Also … Continued

Keep us updated if your address or contacts change

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  Dear all, please keep in mind to send us an update if name, address or management changes take place in your organisation. It saves us a lot of time and effort if you tell us beforehand. If you are just about to move to a new position or retire please inform us about your … Continued

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