Registration for the 76th GA “virtual event” is open now !

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Dear all, the registration system for the spring GA on May 10th and 11th is open now. Apologies for the delay, but our new administrator Ronald had to re-invent the wheel and set up the registration system new from scratch. You can register on our event page : We are looking forward to your … Continued

We have a host for our 75th GA in fall !

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It is with great pleasure that we can announce that “MBO College Airport of RoC Amsterdam” has offered to host our 75th GA. The GA will take place at SAS Radisson Airport on Nov 9th and 10th 2021. You will find more information, as it becomes available, on our website under Meetings / Events as … Continued

74th GA postponed to June 2021

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  Dear all, due to the still ongoing COVID lockdown and travel restrictions, the EC decided that a postponement of the 74th GA is inevitable. In order to prepare and run this event at least the EC members must be present at the same location. As nobody has booked any flights or made any hotel … Continued

NEWS from the EAMTC Supervisory Board

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  Dear members, as per the by-law for the Supervisory board, the SB members have to be selected at our next GA in April. The selection is done by single majority vote through on-line voting. EAMTC Supervisory Board By-law effective 2017-11-07: EAMTC Supervisory Board 171107 These are the groups and corresponding SB members: Type Training … Continued

72nd General Assembly to be held on-line on June 8th 2020

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Dear members, our charter requires us to hold a general assembly within 6 months after the end of each financial year. Unfortunately we do not have any provisions for a waiver of this requirement due to “Force Majeure” or the likes. Due to the cancellation of the GA in Bodoe, we have decided to improvise … Continued

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