Information on the re-organisation of EASA´’s Stakeholder Advisory Body (SAB) – call for volunteers

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Information for all EAMTC members:

Dear colleagues,

As I informed you already before, upon EASA´s request and after a very long and intensive series of discussions amongst the plenary members of the SAB it was finally decided last week, that the Stakeholder Advisory Body will be re-structured.

2023-0203-EASA-AB-New-Structure-SAB-AG001 (003)

Below, you will find the new Rules of Procedure of the SAB and in an Appendix thereto the actual composition of the SAB plenary.

EASA SAB Rules of Procedure Issue 3

EASA SAB Rules of Procedure Appendix I-Group Composition Issue 3

You will also find a presentation, which was created by Thomas Leoff, the chairman of the International Association of Aviation Personnel Schools (IAAPS – for Pilot Training), with whom I closely cooperate in the SAB plenary in representing the European Aviation Training domain. It shows the new SAB structure and the major changes of the SAB structure in some self-explaining slides.


The new structure of the SAB will consist of the SAB plenary and six new communities, which will be set up in the next weeks. Those communities will be for General Aviation, Drones, Rotorcraft, Aerodromes, ATM/ANS and Commercial Aviation. This core structure will be complemented by activity groups, which will either focus on a specific subject or a project and will therefore be of non-permanent nature as well as activity groups of permanent nature for longer lasting issues. One of those permanent Activity groups will be organized with IAAPS and EAMTC in the lead and will focus on training and training development across all domains.

You will find also Thomas and my presentation, which was presented in the last SAB plenary session (21. & 22.06.2023 in CGN) for this Training Activity Group attached to this email for your information.

We as EAMTC will have to nominate representatives for the relevant communities by 14th of July 2023 and we ask you therefore to consider your interest in active participation in this new structure.

Relevant for EAMTC will be in my opinion the SAB Plenary, in which Hans-Jörg Lotter and myself will continue to represent EAMTC’s  interests, and in the other communities, for which we will nominate for the kick off volunteers from our members. We need to nominate representatives for Commercial Aviation, General Aviation, Drones, Rotorcraft, Aerodromes and ATM/ANS

These new communities will be open for interested members of the accredited SAB members.

We ask you therefor to provide us with your feedback and nominations by 10th of July by email to Harald Strehling – , so that we can finalize the nominations during our EC-Meeting , which we have scheduled for the 10th – 12th of July 2023.

If you need any further information, please let me know.

With kind regards

Hans R. Mayer

European Aviation Maintenance Training Committee

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