Opinion No 07/2022 – Review of Part-66 and New training methods and new teaching technologies has just been published!

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Dear members, We just got the news from EASA that Opinon 07/2022 has been published on their website. Opinion No 07/2022 – Review of Part-66 and New training methods and new teaching technologies | EASA (europa.eu) Apparently it combines RMT.0255 Review of Part-66 and RMT .0281 New training methods or new teaching technologies (Part-66/Part-147) Best … Continued

Obituary – Susana Bermejo

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Dear all, Further to news received from Maria Eugenia Isabel Olmos, it is with deep regret that I advise of the death of our valuable friend and esteemed colleague, Susana Bermejo, IBERIA Maintenance, who passed away after a long disease on Thursday 1st September 2022. We never saw her without a smiling face and always … Continued

President participated in the EASA D4S webinar

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  This EASA initiative is aiming to improve safety by sharing data collaboratively on one platform instead of collecting it in silos as it is common today. Data for Safety (D4S) initiative background information and a video explaining the status can be find following this link: DATA4SAFETY | EASA (europa.eu) EAMTC supports this initiative and … Continued

Information from EASA

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Dear members, we just got this information, I might be useful for some of you: Following numerous stakeholders’ requests, EASA finalised and released the XML (machine-readable) format of Easy Access Rules. Easy Access Rules were shared, so far, in 2 formats: in pdf and as online publication. With the new XML format, we are now … Continued

EAMTC and IAAPS sign Cooperation Agreement

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  Cologne, July 11th 2022            In order to increase our foundations footprint in the industry and to give both parties a better leverage with the regulators, the chairman of the International Association of Aviation Personnel Schools IAAPS Thomas Leoff and the EAMTC president Hans Mayer signed a Cooperation Agreement  between … Continued

Message from our Media Working Group

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  We are growing in Linkedin! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Follow our page to be connected with us. Be informed about last news in our community. link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eamtc/ And don´t forget using #eamtc when publishing interesting topics to share.

ATB – Looking for partners in Human Factors project

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  Aircraft Technical Book Company (ATB) has received approval from the CertTEC Center of the US National Science Foundation to create and manage a certification program for Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance including self paced training and certifying exams. To be consistent with international standards we have decided to completely align the program with Part … Continued

Request for type training Embraer E190 B1 and B2

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Enquiry received on our website: K2 Airways Pakistan is about to start operation in Pakistan. We are inducting Embraer E190 aircraft, Need theoretical and practical training for our eight B1 and six B2 Engineers. If interested, please contact: Mr. Muhammad Hanif Butt  hanif@k2airways.com  

76th GA Certificates of Attendance and meeting feedback

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Dear participants of the 76th “virtual” GA, based on the registrations received and the Webex records saved, I have produced and sent the certificates as applicable. If anyone who registered and attended the meeting has not received his/her certificate yet, please contact the undersigned. Please note: if names used for registration and Webex login were … Continued

EAMTC represented at WATS 2022

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At this years event our president Hans Mayer and SB-member Christian Delmas participated in the maintenance training session headed by Dr. Bill Johnson. See Hans’s presentation WATS-2022-EAMTC-HansMayer and a few images taken by our member from Delta Airlines Jay Pointek WATS 2022 Images

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