EAMTC Supervisory Board
- The Supervisory Board (SB) is a body that can support Executive Committee (EC) and act on behalf of the GA (General Assembly) in between of GA meetings.
- The Supervisory Board consists of four member representatives, each of them representing one group of interest as defined below.
Type Training
Basic Training
- The Supervisory Board is responsible to oversee and support the Executive Committee (EC) and make sure that the business operates effectively per the Charter and By-laws.
- The Supervisory Board has the following duties:
Attend one follow-up meeting with the EC in conjunction with each GA meeting
Manage and resolve escalated issues and disagreements that cannot be solved within the EC including suspension of EC members if necessary until next GA meeting
Entitlement to inspect all books, records, other data and correspondence
Nominate, interview and present candidates that has applied for positions in the EC
Support the EC in strategic matters
A single SB member can only act on behalf of the SB if authorized by SB majority
Supervisory board group members:
You can find the contacts of the Supervisory Board members by clicking on the picture.