The 75th GA, our first Hybrid meeting

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Together again…     After 2 years of on-line meetings, 50 members had the chance meet physically in Amsterdam. Having the possibility to meet in person and to socialize was well appreciated. Our presenters, the audience, present and on-line, and the excellent organization, done by our host ROC, made this meeting a great success. We … Continued

EASA Invitation to attend safety promotion

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  Dear all, We received the following invitation from EASA. We would like to make you aware of some safety promotion activities that you might find interesting and useful for your organisations. HF Refresher Package:  Firstly, with the support of the HF CAG Members a new Human Factors Refresher Training package has just been completed … Continued

EC Election is open – Ballot forms have been sent to voting members

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  Dear members, as previously announced at the 74th GA and in our NEWS on September 21st, 2021 the General Assembly has to elect an Executive Committee for another 4 year term. Without having the opportunity of a face to face GA for all, we request the recorded voting member of each organization, to complete … Continued

Registration for the 75th GA in Amsterdam and “On-line” is open now

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  Dear members and guests! The registration for the 75th General Assembly on Nov. 9th / 10th 2021 has commenced. Please note that due to the given circumstances the number of participants at the event is limited to 75. Avoid disappointment and register now. Anybody not being able to participate in person can join the … Continued

75th General Assembly in Amsterdam – Hybrid Meeting Update

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Dear all, after meeting with our host as well as the hotel event staff we can give you some additional information about our next GA on Nov. 9th/10 in Amsterdam. The entire meeting will be arranged via WEBEX and is available to all members and guests on-line. In addition we will have a face to … Continued

75th GA – Hybrid meeting in Amsterdam

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  Dear all, based on your feedback we received after the 74th GA, the EC has decided to make the 75th GA a Hybrid meeting with physical and on-line participants. In week 37 (Sep.13th onward)  the EC will meet with the host as well as the hotel to finalize the arrangements, including possible Covid restrictions … Continued

New training offering by Delta Air Lines

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EAMTC Officers and Members, Delta Air Lines TechOps Training (EASA 147.0003) is pleased to announce the addition of A350-900/1000 (RR Trent XWB) T1/T2 Theoretical and Practical training to our Approved Course offerings. The course was developed from Delta’s operational perspective as North America’s launch customer of the fleet. The course can be delivered in a … Continued

Please send us your comments to EPAS 2022-26

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  Dear all, EASA has drafted the next European Plan for Aviation Safety EPAS 2022-26. This outlines the planned activities of the Agency for another 4 years commencing in 2022. This EPAS will have a direct impact on our business. We have now the opportunity to comment on this draft document. You will find the … Continued

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