Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA) for comments and feedback provided
Dear members,
the following document “PIA Maintenance” is supporting EPAS – the upcoming rulemaking at EASA for 2019 -2023. By commenting this document we can have some impact which NPA’s or ED’s are being prioritized or delayed. In order to support our EASA working group and our president, please send your comments to the president – – before July 9th so they can be considered in the official EAMTC response.
Based on comments received, the following 4 documents is the consolidated feedback EAMTC sent to EASA on July 13th 2018:
Read more
- Members Area
- List of EASA abbrevations and akronyms
- Charter and By-Laws
- NPA 2023-10 Review of Part-147 for your comments
- Working Group Master Documents and Materials
- Guidelines and Recommendations : Position Papers
- Supervisory Board Meetings
- Executive Committee Meetings
- Cooperation Agreements
- EAMTC representation at EASA
- Website Tutorials
- Supervisory Board Members – contacts
- EPAS 2022 – 2026 Documents to comment
- EASA Data Collection reports
- NPA 2020-12 to RMT.0255 review of Part-66
- Other Documents
- Best practices to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID 19 restrictions
- Instructor Seminars
- Preliminary Impact Assessment (PIA) for comments and feedback provided
- Archive – upto & incl 2005
- Useful Links and Industry Resources